Start a New Page
Select “Add New” from page list.
Enter a title in the space at the top. This will be the text that appears in the breadcrumbs so just use words. WordPress will add hyphens on the backend that will be used in the URL. Example: Guided Canoe Program is the title. The URL will use guided-canoe-program.
–Click “Page Builder” in the content box for Text.
–Scroll down to select layout. The default is primary sidebar on right. If you want a full width page without a sidebar, select that.
–Scroll down to “Title Toggle”. If you want the title to appear on the page in default WordPress type, click “Show Title”. Otherwise you can control how the title is displayed on the page.
–Click Publish.
The following can be set at any time after you publish:
“Page Attributes/Parent”
If you are creating a sub-page under a menu heading, choose the parent from the drop-down list.
“Sidebar/Quick Select”
If you are using a sidebar, pick the one you want from the list.
Adding Content
–Add a row. You will be asked to set the number of columns. You can always change it later.
–Add “widgets” to the row.
When you click Add Widget, there are too many choices. If you click “Widgets Bundle” on the left side you will just see the most commonly used. I usually select the SiteOrigin Editor.
Most of the time I add images once I am inside the editor widget (click Add Media at the top) so I can position them relative to the text. You can also close the editor and above the rows, click “Add Widget” and look for SiteOrigin Image. The image can fill the entire space and you will be given a chance to add a caption and other settings.
There is also a “quick and dirty” SiteOrigin Slider. I used it once on the Canoe Trip page. For a more flexible slider I use the “Smart Slider”. Look elsewhere in the documentation.
When you finish working in a Widget, click done at the bottom to close it. Then click update to save changes.
Note: If you are not working in the Page Builder framework (a post, a calendar entry, etc), you won’t see “Done”, just click Update to save.