How to use WordPress
Create Content in WordPress with Posts and Pages How to Create WordPress Pages with Hierarchy and Templates The Complete Guide to Using WordPress Embeds
Outstanding issues
Three plugins that are not currently installed since they require that they are set up using ACLT accounts. I can help with the installation. Facebook Auto Publish Instagram Feed Google Analytics for WordPress by Monsterinsights OR Google Analytics Dashboard for WP Do you want to keep revisions as you work on posts and pages Do...
Google Analytics
If you want to include Google Analytics within WordPress there are two popular options: Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP) Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights You need to decide which one to use and then set it up using the ACLT Google Account.
Flywheel does daily backups. The backups are stored for 30 days. If you want to keep a backup for a longer period then you will have to download a backup file to your local computer.
Overview and Updating Content
Overview and Updating Content The User Documentation is found on the home page of the dashboard. Near the top of the center panel look for the heading “User Documentation for the ACLT Website”. Click on the word “Documentation” below the heading. We have written the topics up as notes for ourselves and as instructions for...
Editing and Adding Pages
The default layout is “Content” – “Primary Sidebar”. Most of the pages use this structure. The home page and the canoe trip page don’t use s sidebar. Page Builder by Site Origin is a plugin that allows you to use rows and columns to create the page layout. Most of ACLT’s content pages use this...
Adding New Pages
Start a New Page Select “Add New” from page list. Enter a title in the space at the top. This will be the text that appears in the breadcrumbs so just use words. WordPress will add hyphens on the backend that will be used in the URL. Example: Guided Canoe Program is the title. The...
Fonts and Formats
Fonts and Formats The default font for the site is Lato Sans. This is set in the theme’s style.css. The text editor uses Georgia for a default display which means it is not WYSIWYG because the site will use Lato. If you explicitly highlight some text and chose a font it will override the Lato...
Media Library
Media Library Media Size Avoid large media files so pages will load quickly. Upload the file with the pixel dimensions you want to use on the page. WordPress will make a 150 px max size thumbnail and a 300 px max size 'medium' available to you. Likewise, 'optimize' PDFs for quick downloading. Media Categories Plugin used to organize media:...
Posts 1. Start a new post. Add title and some (or all) text and click "Publish". 2. Select a featured Image that will appear between the post title and the first line of text. This image will provide a thumbnail for the post in the post archives and any other listing of posts. It will...
Pages for Data Entry and Display Volunteer Hours Vol After Entry Message - message shown to user after data has been added. Volunteer Hours - page with volunteer form Vol Activity by Activity 2 - working on Volunteer Activities - form for maintaining the list of vol. activities Volunteer Hours Display - comma delimited output...
Formidable Forms
Formidable Forms are used for the Volunteer Hours and the Bird list Documentation for Formidable Forms Documentation FAQ Help Desk – forum
In Use Add to Any - in use Admin Color Schemes - used gives more color schemes for admin. Admin Menu Editor - in use. Very useful. Control ordering the items in the admin menu on the left. Akismet - spam protection. But if not using comments may not need. Black Studio TinyMCE Widget -...
Volunteer Hours Documentation
To add a new activity for the Volunteer Hours form use this link Volunteers can add their hours of work using this link. To display a comma delimited file of the Volunteer Hours use this link. To control the output of the data open Formidable, Views, Vol Hours Comma Delimited. At the bottom of the page,...