The default layout is “Content” – “Primary Sidebar”. Most of the pages use this structure.
The home page and the canoe trip page don’t use s sidebar.
Page Builder by Site Origin is a plugin that allows you to use rows and columns to create the page layout. Most of ACLT’s content pages use this framework.
Go to and watch the video for an introduction:
The following image shows the structure of the home page:
Any of the “SiteOrigin Editor” boxes can be opened directly and edited. Once you open an editor box, click "Done" at the bottom to close. If you made changes, click update.
The Smart Slider box just has the link to the Slider. To edit the slider contents open it from the Dashboard.
Genesis – Featured Posts
The Box on the home page has a widget with settings that will display excerpts from recent posts. You can set the number of posts, category of post to display, etc.
Important Note for Trail Conditions box:
It is best to always edit this text in the “text” mode rather than the “visual” mode. The first line needs the ID for the jump from the Happenings box. The first line of text in the Trail Conditions box should be:
<a id="Closings"> </a><p><span style="font-size: 24px;">Trail Conditions and Closings</span></p>
If you switch to visual and then back to text the link will disappear and must be re-entered again.