ACLT Library Catalogue
*Color-coded by donor:
Jeff Klapper
RT West
Judy Ferris
Misc Plants
- Seed Leaf Flower Fruit, Mary Jo Koch
- The Art of Botanical Illustration, Blunt and Stern
- The Botany of Desire
- Invasive Plant Management: Guide for the Mid-Atlantic States, The Nature Conservancy
- The Secret Life of Plants, Tompkins and Bird
- Coastal Plants from Cape Cod to Cape Canaveral, Stuckey & Gould
- The Nature and Properties of Soils, Brady & Weil
- Birds of America, Garden City
- Guide to Bird Behavior Vol. 1, Stokes
- Field Guide to Birds of North American, 4th Ed., National Geographic
- A Guide to North American Species: Bird Feathers, Scott and McFarland
- In Defense of Food, Pollan
- Dinner at the New Gene Cafe, Lambrecht
- Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal, Joel Salatin
- Factory Farming: The Experiment That Failed, Animal Welfare Institute
- National Parks, NA
- Whose Woods These Are, Frome
- The Complete Tracker, McDougal
- Community Forest Buffer Guide, The Chesapeake Bay Foundation
- Wildflowers: Northeastern and North-Central North American, Peterson and McKenny
- What Wildflower Is It?, Pistorius
- The Illustrated Book of Wildflowers and Shrubs, Grimm
- Insects, Borror & White
- Familiar Insects and Spiders of North America, Audubon Society
- Field Guide to Insects and Spiders, National Audubon Society
- Simon and Schuster’s Guide to Insects, Arnette & Jacques
- Spiders and Their Kin, St. Martin’s Press
- Broadsides from the Other Orders: A Book of Bugs, Hubbell
- Bugs in the System, Berenbaum
- Garden Insects of North American
- Insects, Spiders, & Other Terrestrial Arthropods, N.A.
- Beekeeping for Dummies 2nd Ed., Blackiston
- The Backyard Beekeeper, Flottum
- Natural Beekeeping, Conrad
- Hive Management, Bonney
- A Book of Bees, Hubble
- Tree Finder, Theilgaard Watts
- A Field Guide to Trees and Shrubs, Petrides
- Trees of North America, Merrilees (2 copies)
- Eastern Trees, Petrides & Wehr
- The Overstory, Powers
- Stalking the Wild Asparagus, Gibbons
- Carrots Love Tomatoes, Riotte
- A Gardener’s Guide to Common Insect Pests, Carr
- Getting the Bugs Out of Organic Gardening, Organic Gardening and Farming
- From Seed to Bloom, Powell
- The Vegetable Gardener’s Bible, Smith (2 copies)
- Roadale’s Complete Garden Problem Solver, Smittle
- Foolproof Planting, Rodale Press
- Heirloom Vegetable Gardening, Weaver
- The New Seed Starter’s Handbook, Bubel (3 copies)
- The Gardener’s Guide to Better Soil, Logsdon (2 copies)
- The Complete Book of Composting, Goldman
- The Sustainable Vegetable Garden, Jeavons & Cox
- Botanica’s Organic Gardening, McLeod
- The Market Gardener, Fortier
- The New Organic Grower, Coleman
- The Basic Book Of Organic Gardening, Rodale
- Growing Food Organically, Harrison
- Earl Midell’s Herb Bible, Mindell
- Improving the Soil, Rodale
Natural History
- Faith in a Seed, Thoreau
- Life at the Edge, Gould & Gould
- The Great Chain of Life, Krutch
- River Out of Eden, Dawkins
- The Triumph of Seeds, Hanson
- A Walk Around the Pond: Insects in and Over the Water, Waldbauer
- Oyster, Stott
- Natural Acts, Quammen
Misc Novels
- Bee Trails Through the Hills, Stories from West Virginia, Hutton
- The Foxfire Book, Wiggington
- A Museum of Early American Tools, Sloane
- An Age of Barns, Sloane
- Foxfire 2, Wigginton
- Foxfire 4, Wigginton
- Life in the Soil- A Guide for Naturalists and Gardeners, Nardi
- Groundwater and Seepage, Harr
- The Tidemarsh Guide, Roberts
- The Lost Art Of Reading Nature’s Signs, Gooley
Reptiles and Amphibians
- Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern/Central North America, Conant & Collins